Although I could have cropped this image closer to concentrate more attention on the hoverfly, I like the bright yellow of the petals against the dark background bokeh and am rather pleased with how this turned out.
ATTENTION fellow bloggers who are getting spammed by the person unknown who repeatedly tries to post comments with embedded links to multiple undesirable sites. I hope you have already turned on comment moderation for your blog so that you don't get these nasty comments showing up for others to see. This morning, I discovered that clicking the link that includes, in part, takes you to the jerk's profile. IF he has a blog listed, then click the link to the blog (nothing will be on it, he changes ID over and over and over again) and then click the "Report Abuse" link at the top of the page to report him. (The link to click is the first link IN the email you get asking if you want to Publish or Reject (yes REJECT) the comment from this jerk.)
Google is aware of this jerk and repeatedly deletes his Google accounts and all pages associated with him... he just comes back in another guise and continues his naughty ways.