Wednesday, June 10, 2009

GREEDY... Tiny Pollen Gatherer in Coneflower...

GREEDY... Tiny Pollen Gatherer in Coneflower
Those of you who LOVE my macro shots might want to know what was involved in this capture...
1- went to see if the tiny yellow blossoms in the flower heart were blooming...
2- saw this tiny little fly (think he's a fly... only two wings?) busily, greedily making the rounds of the blossoms and started snapping photos...
3- 93 clicks later... in the house... upload to computer... immediately delete 49 (blurry due to fly motion or my ineptitude)
4- cull remaining 44 photos for the best (IMHO) and flag 9 for possible posting...
5- edit (minor, to punch up detail in shadows) and crop and decide on 3 to post to Flickr (am getting ready to release other 2 for public view but MAY wait until tomorrow for those... OH the suspense!)
6- Voila... this one is my favorite so was put out for view on Flickr FIRST of the 93 snaps...


  1. Amazing how much color there is on this little fly!

  2. This is a good macro! Looking forward to seeing the others.

    Just a tip watch out for JPEG artifacting in your posting. If you hve photoshop you can try save for web as an easy solution. This is some times caused by making a smaller photo larger for web viewing.


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